The company ZOF ELEKTRO DOO was founded on September 19, 2002, with its headquarters in Čačak, Balkanska Street
36B. The company deals with the development, production, sale and service of automatic control systems,
electronic assemblies and devices. Over 20 years of work experience of our staff guarantees fast, professional and
efficient service in all areas we deal with. You can always find your solution in our offer
problems, of course if your problem can be solved.

The main activity of the company is the design and implementation of electronic automatic control systems.

For detailed information on the products and services we offer, please see the PRODUCTS and SERVICES pages.
The company ZOF ELEKTRO employs 11 workers with secondary, higher and higher education, electrical profession with
many years of experience in the activities that the company deals with.

Extensive experience with discrete and microprocessor automatic control systems. Sensors, conditioners,
measurement. Acquisition and distribution of measured values. Regulation of conditions in the production process (temperature,
humidity, …)  We are able to reverse engineer and upgrade obsolete electronic equipment.


On weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
We do not work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays